Your idea, safely protected

Indicative rates relating to patent application

Indication only - please contact us to inform what rates would apply to your situation
Our costs*Total
The Netherlands
Drafting patent application€ 200/hr€ 3000 – € 5500
Filing of Dutch patent application with Dutch Patent office€ 80€ 600€ 680
National novelty search€ 100€ 100
or International novelty search€ 794€ 794
Annual renewal fee, increasing from the 4th year€ 40€ 125€ 165
Europe (38 countries)
Translation of Dutch patent application into English€ 0,25/word
+ optional adaption patent application€ 200/hr
Filing of European patent application with the EPO€ 125**€ 750€ 875
European novelty search + analysis/advice€ 1350€ 200/hr
Costs examination for all states€ 2310***
Procedure€ 200/hr€ 2000 – € 6000
Annual renewal fee, increasing from the 3rd year€ 490€ 125€ 615
Granting fee + costs of translation of claims EN/FR and DU€ 960€ 0,25/word
International PCT application (buying time)
Translation of Dutch patent application into English€ 0,25/word
+ optional adaption patent application€ 200/hr
Filing of PCT application with Dutch Patent office€ 1034€ 750€ 1784
International novelty search and transmittal fee + analysis/advice€ 1825€ 200/hr
Europe based on PCT application
Filing in all states, novelty search is already there, then examination etc€ 735€ 750€ 1485

* excluding VAT
** higher in case it concerns more than 15 claims and more than 35 pages
*** around 25% discount for SMEs possible